Urimai Geetham is a 1988 Tamil thriller film directed by R. V. Udayakumar, making his directorial debut. The film features Prabhu and Karthik in lead roles. The film had musical score by Manoj - Gyan and was released on 13 April 1988.Synopsis
Bhoominathan (Charuhasan), an honest politician, wins the election and becomes the CM. A felicitation function is organized to celebrate his victory. In the function, he is assassinated by Thyagu (Prabhu). On the one hand, Thyagu is arrested and he denies having killed Bhoominathan. On the other hand, Boominathan's son, Chandru (Karthik) is determinated to find his father's murderer. The rest of the story is what happens to Thyagu and Chandru who is the real culprit.