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血战到底 est un film de genre Comédie réalisé par Wang Guangli avec Francis Ng

血战到底 (2006)

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Durée 1h38
Réalisé par
Genres Comédie
Note56% 2.82112.82112.82112.82112.8211

Karmic Mahjong (simplified Chinese: 血战到底; traditional Chinese: 血戰到底; pinyin: xùe zhàn dào dǐ) is a 2006 Chinese comedy film directed by Wang Guangli. It stars Francis Ng as a mechanic from Chengdu plagued by bad luck and Cherrie Ying as a young woman who appears to share the same affliction. The film also features cameos by the prominent Chinese directors Wang Xiaoshuai and Jia Zhangke.

The film, a mainland production of the Shanghai Dachong Cultural Information Company and the Zhangzhou Xinchuang Cultural Information Company, nevertheless is director Wang Guangli's homage to the Hong Kong tradition of action-comedies.


Francis Ng

(Wu Yu-Chuan, a down-on-his luck mechanic living in Sichuan.)
Cherrie Ying

(Jia, a mother who seems to share Wu's bad luck.)
Paul Chun

(Qin, Yin's mobster boss.)
Liang Jing

(Lai, Wu's wife.)
Jia Zhang-ke (贾樟柯)

Wang Xiaoshuai

(a cop.)
Bande annonce de 血战到底

Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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