Naughty Professor is a 2012 Malayalam comedy film written by Baburaj and directed by Hari Narayanan. It stars Baburaj and Lakshmi Gopalaswamy in the lead roles along with Innocent, Lena, Tini Tom, Janardhanan, Sandhya and Malavika who form the rest of the star cast.Synopsis
Professor Viswambaran works at Viswa Jyothi Engineering College, Thodupuzha. Over-consciousness about his beauty and glamour gives him a "naughty professor" image in the college. His wife, a former actress, had decided to discontinue her acting career to settle down with her husband. Viswambaran often feels overshadowed by his wife's fame and name. It is during this time Viswambharan's old nemesis Chacko a.k.a. David and his wife Tessa come as their neighbours. The twist and turns in Viswambharan's married life that follow form the crux of the story.