Porichoi is a 2013 Bengali film directed by Ms. Rupali Guha. The film is a story of father and daughter, played by Prosenjit Chatterjee and Indrani Chakraborty, highlighting Bengali-speaking Asians living in the UK who find various means to stay connected with their homeland, especially during adversities. Rupali is the daughter of film director Basu Chatterjee, and makes her directorial debut in Bengal with this film.Synopsis
Porichoi is Anupam and Rimi’s story as the two get re-introduced to each other after twelve years. Anupam had left for UK leaving Rimi and her mother behind. Rimi takes off to the UK to reconnect with her estranged father. She comes in terms with her father’s lifestyle in UK. Rimi also befriends a British-Bangladeshi boy Fahim played by Joey Debroy. The movie focuses on Rimi, Anupam, Fahim and Laurie’s world and as it gets disintegrated, they are all forced to look within themselves.