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ಬೆಂಕಿಯ ಬಲೆ est un film de genre Drame avec Anant Nag

ಬೆಂಕಿಯ ಬಲೆ (1983)

ಬೆಂಕಿಯ ಬಲೆ
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Durée 2h17
Genres Drame
Note68% 3.416483.416483.416483.416483.41648

Benkiya Bale (Kannada: ಬೆಂಕಿಯ ಬಲೆ) is a 1983 Indian Kannada language film directed by Dorai - Bhagwan duo. It is based on the novel of the same name by T. R. Subba Rao. The film starred Ananth Nag, Lakshmi, K. S. Ashwath and Thoogudeepa Srinivas in lead roles.

The film was a musical blockbuster with all the songs composed by Rajan-Nagendra considered evergreen hits.


Bande annonce de ಬೆಂಕಿಯ ಬಲೆ

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Note87% 4.38894.38894.38894.38894.3889
The film opens in Kanchi with Mayura, a Brahmin youth challenging an arrogant wrestler and defeating him. Mayura had never been formally trained and had only learned techniques of wrestling by observing other wrestlers. As a Brahmin, he was required to study Vedas, yet he was deeply interested in martial arts and after this wrestling encounter, Ranga Jetti (M. P. Shankar), the premier wrestler in Kanchi, takes him under his wing and trains him. After becoming proficient in all the martial arts, one day, while observing the training of Pallava princes, Mayura accidentally gets into a fight with and gives a thrashing to Vishnugopa (Vajramuni), the Pallava prince, thereby earning his enmity.