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Chandanada Gombe est un film réalisé par S. K. Bhagavan avec Anant Nag

Chandanada Gombe (1979)

Chandanada Gombe
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Durée 2h27
Réalisé par
Note70% 3.5168253.5168253.5168253.5168253.516825

Chandanada Gombe (Kannada: ಚಂದನದ ಗೊಂಬೆ) is a 1979 Indian Kannada film directed by Dorairaj and Bhagwan, and is based on the novel of the same name written by T. R. Subba Rao. The film stars Anant Nag, Lakshmi and Lokesh in lead roles. It was a musical blockbuster with all the songs composed by Rajan–Nagendra considered evergreen hits.


Chandanada Gombe is a love story which reveal between Anathnag and Lakshmi. Ananth Nag is a village school teacher and falls in love with Lakshmi. They both get married and in an accident Nag dies. The rest of the story continues about the life of a struggling widow along with her child.


Anant Nag

Lakshmi Narayan


K. S. Ashwath

(Lakshman Rao)
Kommareddy Savitri

(Ratna's Mother)
Uma Shivakumar

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Source : Wikidata


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