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十月初五的月光 est un film Hongkongais de genre Drame avec Julian Cheung

十月初五的月光 (2015)

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OrigineHong kong
Genres Drame,    Romance
Note47% 2.372592.372592.372592.372592.37259

Return of the Cuckoo (Chinese: 十月初五的月光) is a 2015 Hong Kong film adaption of the Return of the Cuckoo series, a 20-episode TVB drama broadcast in 2000. The film is directed by Patrick Kong and starring original cast Julian Cheung, Charmaine Sheh and Nancy Sit. The film will continue the story where the drama left off.

A short music trailer was released in February 2015 to overwhelming popularity. Julian Cheung sings the original theme song “Wishing Kwan Well” (祝君好).

The movie is set to be released on November 12, 2015.


Julian Cheung

(Man Cho 文初 (Cho Ko Ko 初哥哥))
Joe Chen

Nancy Sit M.H.

(Chu Sa-kiu 朱莎嬌 (QE))
Michael Tong
Ken Lo

Ruco Chan
Bande annonce de 十月初五的月光

Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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