Kohinoor is a 2015 Malayalam comedy heist-thriller film, set in the late 1980s. The film is directed by Vinay Govind and features an ensemble cast of Asif Ali, Indrajith Sukumaran, Aju Varghese, Chemban Vinod Jose and Vinay Forrt. It was produced by Asif Ali in his debut film production which was co-produced by Sajin Jaffer and Brijeesh Muhammed under the banner Adam's World of Imagination. Rahul Raj composed the original music.
The film released on 24 September 2015 to mixed reviews.Synopsis
The story is set in 1988. Haider (Indrajith) who works for Mumbai underworld develops a plan to steal diamonds from a racket run inside a textile store in Cherupuzha. He hires Nicholas (Chemban Vinod) and Freddy (Vinay Forrt) from Kozhikode for the theft. They in turn sub-contract it to a small-time thief Aandikunju (Aju Varghese), who gets his friend Louis (Asif Ali) too get involved. Louis has a strange admiration for the underworld dons, and is highly fascinated by Mohanlal's character Vincent Gomez from the popular film Rajavinte Makan, and wants to be a smuggler like him.