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Преброяване на дивите зайци est un film de genre Comédie réalisé par Eduard Zahariev avec Itzhak Fintzi

Преброяване на дивите зайци (1973)

Преброяване на дивите зайци
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Durée 1h9
Réalisé par
Genres Comédie
Note67% 3.3842053.3842053.3842053.3842053.384205

The Hare Census (Bulgarian: Преброяване на дивите зайци / Prebroyavane na Divite Zaytsi) is a Bulgarian satiric comedy film released in 1973, directed by Eduard Zahariev, starring Itzhak Fintzi, Nikola Todev, Georgi Rusev, Evstati Stratev, Philip Trifonov and Todor Kolev.

Although the film features one of the most remarkable Bulgarian actors, the biting satire of nonsensical activity made the authority keep the film away from the widespread presentation during the totalitarian system in Bulgaria. In the 1990s, after the advent of democracy, the film came into broad view and became an eminent badge for the Bulgarian Film Art from those years.


The daily routine in the village of Yugla is shaken by the statistician clerk Asenov (Fintzi) who come with a mission to take the census of the hares in the locality. He makes the village mayor Bay Georgi (Todev) mobilize the local men in realization of the absurd task. On the very day all the village men are in the field. The mayor, the teacher, the veterinarian... even an old men join


Itzhak Fintzi

Nikola Todev

(Bay Georgi, the village mayor)
Georgi Rusev

(Veterenarniyat lekar, the vet)
Todor Kolev

(the young hunter)
Evstati Stratev

(Uchitelyat, the teacher)
Bande annonce de Преброяване на дивите зайци

Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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