A Haunting At Silver Falls is a 2013 American horror film directed by Brett Donowho. The film was released on May 28, 2013 and stars Alix Elizabeth Gitter as a young woman that must uncover the true murderer of a heinous crime before she becomes a victim herself. It is very loosely based upon a true story Donowho read about two murdered twins.Synopsis
Jordan (Alix Elizabeth Gitter) is a teenager that has been orphaned after the death of her father, as her mother had died years ago. She's sent to live with an aunt (Tara Westwood) and uncle (Steve Bacic) she never knew existed. They live in the town of Silver Falls, which has a reputation for being haunted. Jordan wanders the surrounding forest and discovers not only a ring, but a ghost and a murder mystery that must be solved, lest Jordan herself become a victim as well.