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A Man Must Live est un film américain de genre Aventure réalisé par Paul Sloane avec Richard Dix

A Man Must Live (1925)

A Man Must Live
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Durée 1h10
Réalisé par
Genres Aventure
Note60% 3.01193.01193.01193.01193.0119

A Man Must Live is a 1925 American adventure silent film directed by Paul Sloane and written by James Ashmore Creelman and I. A. R. Wylie. The film stars Richard Dix, Jacqueline Logan, George Nash, Edna Murphy, Charles Byer and Dorothy Walters. The film was released on January 19, 1925, by Paramount Pictures.


Richard Dix

(Geoffrey Farnell)
Jacqueline Logan

('Mops' Collins)
Edna Murphy

(Eleanor Ross-Fayne)
Arthur Housman

(Tod Cragge)
Lucius Henderson

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