A Snow White Christmas is a Christmas animated short film produced by Filmation in 1980. It is a sequel to the fairy tale "Snow White", unrelated to Filmation's other sequel to "Snow White", Happily Ever After (1993). While this is a sequel to the original story and not the 1937 Disney film, there are some similarities.
The film's plot revolves around the return of the Wicked Queen, who is unexpectedly brought back to life and casts an evil curse that freezes the entire land. It is up to young Snow White (the daughter of the original Snow White), aided by the seven giants, to defeat her for good and save the kingdom.Synopsis
After vanquishing the Wicked Queen, the new queen, Snow White and her husband King Charming are now the rulers of the land of Noel. They have a young daughter, also named Snow White for her snow-white hair. The royal family decides to host a Christmas winter sports festival. One of the participants is Grunyon, a bumbling dwarf and a friend of the young Snow White. Snow White says her Christmas wish is to build a playhouse for all the children and suggests remodeling the old abandoned castle that was once home to the Wicked Queen.