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A Soul's Awakening est un film Britannique de genre Drame réalisé par W. P. Kellino avec David Hawthorne

A Soul's Awakening (1922)

A Soul's Awakening
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Réalisé par
Genres Drame

A Soul's Awakening is a 1922 British silent drama film directed by W.P. Kellino and starring David Hawthorne, Flora le Breton and Ethel Oliver. It was made at Lime Grove Studios in Shepherd's Bush. It is also known by the alternative title What Love Can Do.


David Hawthorne

(Ben Rackstraw)
Bande annonce de A Soul's Awakening

Bluray, DVD

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Source : Wikidata


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Note65% 3.2975353.2975353.2975353.2975353.297535
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