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The Mating of Marcus est un film Britannique de genre Romance réalisé par W. P. Kellino avec David Hawthorne

The Mating of Marcus (1926)

The Mating of Marcus
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Genres Romance

The Mating of Marcus is a 1926 British silent romance film directed by W.P. Kellino and starring David Hawthorne, George Bellamy and Moore Marriott It was based on a novel by Mabel Grundy.


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The Man in Possession, 1h24
Réalisé par Sam Wood, W. P. Kellino
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie, Comédie romantique, Romance
Thèmes Adaptation d'une pièce de théâtre
Acteurs Robert Montgomery, Charlotte Greenwood, Lupino Lane, Alan Mowbray, Maude Eburne, C. Aubrey Smith
Note69% 3.4787053.4787053.4787053.4787053.478705
Raymond Dabney (Montgomery) returns to a mixed reaction from his middle-class family in London after serving a prison sentence for stealing a motorcar. His mother (Beryl Mercer) and the family servant (Maude Eburne) are delighted to see him, but his father (C. Aubrey Smith) and brother Claude (Reginald Owen) are less so. His father is particularly disappointed in him, having sent him to Cambridge. The two men offer him £500 to leave the country and never return; it seems Claude is engaged to a rich widow, and they are anxious to avoid any scandal that might endanger the marriage. Raymond turns it down, however, and departs the same day.