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A South Sea Bubble est un film Britannique de genre Comédie réalisé par T. Hayes Hunter avec Ivor Novello

A South Sea Bubble (1928)

A South Sea Bubble
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Durée 1h40
Réalisé par
Genres Comédie,    Aventure

A South Sea Bubble is a 1928 British silent comedy adventure film directed by T. Hayes Hunter and starring Ivor Novello, Benita Hume and Alma Taylor. A group of adventurers head to the Pacific Ocean to hunt for buried treasure. It was made at Islington Studios.


Ivor Novello

(Vernon Winslow)
Benita Hume

(Averil Rochester)
Alma Taylor

(Mary Ottery)
John Hamilton

(Tony Gates)
Stanley James Warmington

(Frank Sullivan)
Bande annonce de A South Sea Bubble

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Source : Wikidata


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Note60% 3.0371053.0371053.0371053.0371053.037105
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