Ajantha is a 1987 Indian Malayalam film, directed by Manoj Babu and produced by Swaraj. The film stars Shankar, Jamuna Choukarani and Jagannatha Varma in lead roles. The film had musical score by Joy Anand.
GenresDrame, Thriller, Comédie ActeursJayasurya, Honey Rose, Anoop Menon, Aparna Nair, Maria Roy, Shankar Panicker Note48% The film begins with the City Police Commissioner Bharath Chandran (Joju George) jumping over the compound wall of a house who is having an affair with house owner's wife. The house owner confronts commissioner and beats and breaks his arm. It then shifts to a man at a friend's house asking where his friend and a don named Jimmy is, as there is work for him to do for the man. He reveals his work is to transport the pirated DVD of the upcoming releasing movie Hotel California and in which Jimmy has to transport it through the airport safely. It shifts to Kamala Nambiar (Maria Roy) a dancer practicing dance receives a call informing that what she ordered is ready (It is not revealed what she ordered to audiences). It once again shifts to Aby Mathew (Shankar Panikkar) a lusting married middle aged man, who contacts a pimp to have sex with a television actress named Swapna Joseph (Honey Rose) who agrees to have sex with him for a large sum of money. Then Sasi Pillai is shown talking about a hot topic for news reporting about the don named Airport Jimmy. In which it shifts to the scene of Airport Jimmy (Jayasurya) in high class bar.