Akam (English:Inside)is a 2013 Indian psychological thriller Malayalam film written and directed by Shalini Usha Nair. The film is a contemporary retelling of Malayattoor Ramakrishnan's classic psycho-thriller novel Yakshi (1967). The story is about Srini (Fahad Fazil), a young architect, who starts suspecting that his beautiful wife Ragini (Anumol) is a yakshi.
The film was shot in and around Trivandrum and its surrounding suburbs. It premiered at the 8th Dubai International Film Festival in December 2011. It was also screened at the Shanghai International Film Festival and International Film Festival of Kerala. The film released in theatres on 26 April 2013.Synopsis
Srinivasan is a young architect. He is happy when he gets a good job and a beautiful girlfriend, Tara. But then an accident disfigures him. Tara leaves him and Srinivasan, now sans his confidence, withdraws into his shell. Then he meets the beautiful Ragini who is willing to accept him despite his disfigurement. They get married, but after a while, he doubts the true identity of this woman. He doubts that this woman is inhuman. From there the story develops.