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Al compás de tu mentira est un film de genre Comédie avec Francisco Álvarez

Al compás de tu mentira (1950)

Al compás de tu mentira
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Durée 1h26
Genres Comédie,    Musical
Themes Danse,    Musique,    Tango

Al compás de tu mentira (English: To the Compass of Your Lie) is a 1950 black-and-white Argentine musical film directed by Héctor Canziani. The film was adapted from Oscar Wilde's play The Importance of being Earnest by Abel Santacruz. The film starred Francisco Álvarez and Pedro Quartucci.

The film is based on tango dancing, an integral part of Argentine culture.


Bande annonce de Al compás de tu mentira

Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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