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Puerto Nuevo est un film de genre Drame réalisé par Mario Soffici

Puerto Nuevo (1936)

Puerto Nuevo
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Durée 1h22
Réalisé par ,    
Genres Drame,    Comédie,    Musical
Themes Danse,    Musique,    Tango
Note65% 3.2618653.2618653.2618653.2618653.261865

Puerto Nuevo (New Port) is a 1936 Argentine musical film drama directed and written by Luis César Amadori and Mario Soffici. It is a tango film. The music was performed by Uruguayan musician Francisco Canaro.

Club Atlético Puerto Nuevo, founded in 1939, takes its name from the film.
Bande annonce de Puerto Nuevo

Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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