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All for Mary est un film Britannique de genre Comédie réalisé par Wendy Toye avec Nigel Patrick

All for Mary (1955)

All for Mary
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Durée 1h19
Réalisé par
Genres Comédie
Note55% 2.776132.776132.776132.776132.77613

All for Mary is a 1955 British comedy film brought to the screen by Paul Soskin Productions for The Rank Organisation. It was based on a play written by the English husband and wife team of Kay Bannerman and Harold Brooke. It was directed by Wendy Toye, produced by Paul Soskin with the screenplay by Peter Soskin and Paul Blackmore. It starred Nigel Patrick, David Tomlinson, Jill Day and Kathleen Harrison. Cinematography was by Reginald H. Wyer.


Filmed on location in Switzerland the story concerns two young bachelors taking separate skiing holidays at the same resort. Clive Morton (Nigel Patrick) and "Humpy" Miller (David Tomlinson) have nothing whatsoever in common—except for one thing, both men fall for the hotel proprietor's daughter Mary (Jill Day). As the story progresses Clive, a debonair soldier and sportsman gets quickly into his stride as poor "Humpy" a clumsy, incongruous fellow looks on dumbly.


Nigel Patrick

(Capt. Clive Norton)
Kathleen Harrison

(Nannie Cartwright)
David Tomlinson

(Humphrey 'Humpy' Miller)
David Hurst

(M. Victor)
Leo McKern

(Gaston Nikopopoulos)
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