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Así es la vida est un film américain avec José Bohr

Así es la vida (1930)

Así es la vida
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Durée 1h12

Thus is Life (Spanish:Así es la vida) is a 1930 American Spanish language romantic comedy film directed by George Crone and starring José Bohr, Delia Magana and Lolita Vendrell. It was produced as the Spanish version of the English-language film What a Man!, also directed by Crone. In the early years of sound such multi-language versions were common, and only declined with the development of dubbing.

A British ex-Grenadier Guards officer moves to America, but struggles to find work. After he is employed as a chauffeur to a wealthy family, and falls in love with his employer's daughter.


José Bohr

(José Rolan)
Delia Magaña

(Luisa Franklyn)
Tito Davison

(Jorge Franklyn)
Bande annonce de Así es la vida

Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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Genres Guerre
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