August Underground is a 2001 film written and directed by Fred Vogel, and co-written by Allen Peters. The first release of Toetag Pictures, the film follows the exploits of a serial killer named Peter, as filmed by his unnamed and unseen accomplice. The film was followed by two sequels, August Underground's Mordum in 2003, and August Underground's Penance in 2007.Synopsis
Presented as a severely degraded home movie, the film opens with a man named Peter inviting his camera-wielding friend into his basement, where he is holding a woman named Laura captive. Having already killed her boyfriend (whose castrated body has been left in a bathtub to rot) Peter is keeping Laura alive so he and his accomplice can torture her at their leisure, committing sadistic acts such as slicing one of her nipples off, and covering her in feces and urine.