The Bear That Couldn't Sleep is a 1939 animated short film, directed by Rudolf Ising for MGM as part of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer' Barney Bear series. Released with the movie 6,000 Enemies by MGM on June 10, 1939, the short is notable for featuring the first appearance of Barney Bear. Ising created the character Barney Bear in the late 1930s for MGM at this time, basing the sleepy-eyed character partially on himself.Synopsis
Barney s’installe pour l’hiver. Mais l’eau fuit, un volet lâche, un feu bruyant, une bouilloire laissée allumée, et quelques braises errantes se mettent toutes sur le chemin, et Barney s’enferme également. Et ce n’est que le début.