Beauty and the Beast (alternatively: Cannon Movie Tales: Beauty and the Beast in USA, Die Schöne und das Biest in West Germany, La Bella e la Bestia in Italy, La Belle et la Bête in France) is a 1987 American/Israeli musical film, part of the 1980 film series Cannon Movie Tales. It is a contemporary version of the classic tale of Beauty and the Beast. The movie was filmed entirely in Israel, and the taglines were: "The monster they feared was the prince she loved" and "The classic fairy tale about seeing with your heart".Synopsis
In a Renaissance-style kingdom, a wealthy merchant lives an affluent life with his two sons, Oliver and Frederick, and three daughters, Bettina, Isabella and Beauty. Beauty is the "caretaker" of her family; without her, none of the family can look after themselves, and she is constantly taking care of her siblings. Despite this, she is not frustrated, but wonders what she would do with her life if she did not devote it to her family.