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Between Friends est un film américain réalisé par James Stuart Blackton avec Lou Tellegen

Between Friends (1924)

Between Friends
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Between Friends is a 1924 American melodrama silent film based on the eponymous novel by Robert W. Chambers. The film was directed by J. Stuart Blackton and produced by Albert E. Smith. It stars Lou Tellegen, Anna Q. Nilsson and Norman Kerry. The feature was distributed by Vitagraph Studios, which was founded by Blackton and Smith in 1897 in Brooklyn, New York. The survival status of the film is lost.


Jack Greylock runs away with the wife of his lifelong friend, David Drene, a sculptor. Drene only knows that his wife has fled; he does not know the identity of the man with whom she went. The wife kills herself from remorse and Greylock returns to keep up the semblance of his ancient friendship with the sculptor, who buries his sorrow in his work. Cecile Waite, a model, poses for Drene and Greylock, upon meeting her, falls honestly in love with her. She, however, loves Drene, who is apparently oblivious. Drene learns through another friend that Greylock was responsible for his wife’s downfall. He first intends to kill him, but perceiving Greylock’s love for the model, resolves to work his vengeance through Cecile. Drene threatens her. Greylock pleads for mercy for the girl and eventually agrees to kill himself at midnight Christmas Eve if Drene will spare her. Drene’s brooding overturns his reason for a time and after a night of delirium, he collapses. Cecile finds him and nurses him back to health. The sculptor regains consciousness on Christmas Eve, his disposition improved. He sends Cecile to tell Greylock of his changed mood, but she cannot get into the house where Greylock is slowly preparing to keep his pledge. Drene then telepathically draws Greylock to his home and absolves him of his promise.


Lou Tellegen

(David Drene)
Anna Q. Nilsson

(Jessica Drene)
Norman Kerry

(Jack Greylock)
Alice Calhoun

(Cecile White)
Stuart Holmes

Henry Arthur Barrows

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Source : Wikidata


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