Bilal is an upcoming 3D animated action-adventure film produced by Barajoun Entertainment Animation. The movie shows the life of Bilal ibn Rabah. It is the first feature-length animated film from the Dubai-based Barajoun, along with being the first Middle Eastern-funded and -produced animated film.
No release date has been announced yet but the movie's producers said that Bilal is expected to be released in theaters worldwide towards the end of 2015.
"Jamal says that he expects to see an early 2016 release, noting that he would rather avoid the end of 2015 due to the small matter of potentially clashing with Star Wars: The Force Awakens. He does intriguingly hint at a possible regional premiere for the movie in December, however, if any remaining film festivals happen to be reading."
[...]Voir plus...Synopsis
Il y a mille ans, un jeune garçon, qui caressait le rêve de devenir un grand guerrier, a été enlevé avec sa sœur et emmené dans un pays loin de chez lui. Jeté dans un monde où la cupidité et l'injustice régnaient en maîtres, Bilal a puisé en lui la force et le courage d'élever la voix et d’appeler au changement. Inspiré de faits réels, cette histoire est celle d’un véritable héros dont le souvenir impérissable a marqué l’histoire.