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Björk: Biophilia Live est un film Britannique de genre Documentaire réalisé par Peter Strickland avec Björk

Björk: Biophilia Live (2014)

Björk: Biophilia Live
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Durée 1h36
Réalisé par
Genres Documentaire,    Musical
Note79% 3.963023.963023.963023.963023.96302

Björk: Biophilia Live is a 2014 British concert film by Björk, directed and edited by Peter Strickland and Nick Fenton. The film features Björk performing tracks from her Biophilia Tour, which started in June 2011 and ended in September 2013. It was filmed at Alexandra Palace in London on 3 September 2013, and had a theatrical premiere at the Tribeca Film Festival on 26 April 2014 with screenings across the world throughout the same year.

The film was released on home video as 3 separate releases (3 x LP + DVD, 2 x CD + DVD, and 2 x CD + Blu-ray) on 25 November 2014.



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Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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