Britney Rears is a pornographic film franchise revolving around its titular character, who has been played by both Jessica Sweet (films 1 and 2) and Hillary Scott (films 3 and 4). The series is an ongoing parody of pop singer Britney Spears. The first three installments have received 11 AVN Award nominations, primarily in technical categories, and a XRCO Award win for "Best Comedy or Parody".
GenresPornographique ActeursAurora Snow, Leah Luv, Hillary Scott, Jasmine Byrne, Alana Evans, Mike Horner Note70% Faced with financial difficulties at home due to slow business at his architectural firm, Mike and his wife Carol reluctantly tell the kids that the entire household will be on a budget for the next few months until business picks back up and the cash crisis ends. The kids get together and decide to help out by taking on odd jobs, holding car washes and pitching in wherever they can to help save the family house from bank foreclosure. Mayhem ensues especially when Marcia unwittingly applies for a job as a figure model and finds out she's about to star in an adult movie.
, 1h52 Réalisé parGaspar Noé, Larry Clark, Marco Brambilla, Sam Taylor-Johnson GenresDrame, Documentaire, Romance, Pornographique ThèmesSexualité, La pornographie ActeursJasmine Byrne, Dillan Lauren, August, Sativa Rose, Nancy Vee, Manuel Ferrara Note44% Destricted est un projet unique en son genre : sept courts-métrages au travers desquels des réalisateurs et des artistes, parmi les plus visionnaires et provocateurs de leur génération, font se rencontrer l’art et le sexe.
Explicites, ces films révèlent les différents comportements par lesquels nous essayons parfois de nous définir sexuellement et tentent d’aborder la représentation du sexe dans l’art soulevant ainsi des questions telles que : la pornographie peut-elle être artistique ? L’art peut-il être pornographique? Ou devient-il complètement autre chose?
Brûlot sulfureux ou état des lieux de la sexualité? Provocation pure ou fantasmes d’artistes? Drôles? Désespérés? Destricted est tout ça à la fois mais reste inclassable.
Five middle-aged men—Ron Aron, Kevin Clarke, Barry Knight, Russell Moore, and Derrick Stanton; all of whom have non-sexual roles—celebrate Barry Knight's 50th birthday in a spectacular home. They reflect on what they did when they were about 18 and fantasize scenes of young men together.
Mayuri runs an unsuccessful inn in the country. Miku comes to work for her. Romantic complications ensue between Miku, Mayuri and Mayuri's brother Kazuhiko.
Ayano, a young author hopes to express female erotic desires in her writings. For research, she visits public lavatories where she encounters cross-dressing men.