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Broadway Jones est un film américain de genre Comédie réalisé par Joseph Kaufman avec George M. Cohan

Broadway Jones (1917)

Broadway Jones
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Broadway Jones is a lost 1917 silent film comedy directed by Joseph Kaufman and starring George M. Cohan, in his film debut, in a picture based on his 1912 play, Broadway Jones.


George M. Cohan

(Broadway Jones)
Marguerite Snow

(Josie Richards)
Russell Bassett

(Andrew Jones)
Crauford Kent

(Robert Wallace)
Ida Darling

(Mrs. Gerard)
Joseph Smiley
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Si vous avez aimé Broadway Jones, vous aimerez sûrement les films similaires suivants :
The Song of Songs
Réalisé par Joseph Kaufman
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame
Thèmes Adaptation d'une pièce de théâtre
Acteurs Elsie Ferguson, Crauford Kent, Frank Losee, Charles Wellesley, Robert Cummings

Lily, une jeune fille innocente, est convaincue de poser nue pour un jeune sculpteur. Ils tombent amoureux, mais le sculpteur craint l'effet du mariage sur son travail et néglige Lily. En fin de compte, désespérée, elle épouse un vieil homme riche mais n'y trouve pas le bonheur. Ironiquement, seules la quasi-tragédie et le scandale peuvent lui apporter ce bonheur.
The Amazons
Réalisé par Joseph Kaufman
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie
Thèmes Adaptation d'une pièce de théâtre
Acteurs Marguerite Clark, Edgar Norton, Tammany Young, Jack Standing, Adolphe Menjou

As described in a film magazine review, because the parents are disappointed that their three children are girls instead of boys, they are brought up as boys by the Marchioness of Castlejordan (Robinson), and no males are allowed within the walls of the estate. The antics of the three upset the villagers and cause gossip. Tommy (Clark), the youngest, is sent to London to visit relatives. She slips away from the house dressed in a gentleman's evening clothes and visits a dance hall. Encountering a bully, in self-defense she knocks him down. Escaping from the hall, she jumps into the cab of Lord Litterly (Hinckley), who takes her home, and a warm friendship springs up between them. Later, the lord is instrumental in saving her from a fall from a runaway horse. Her two sisters arrange a meeting with two men in the gymnasium one evening. Tommy climbs through a skylight and "drops in" on Litterly, who happened to be bringing a message with a maid. The Marchioness discovers the trio, and seeing that her girls will be girls, gives them her blessing, and a triple wedding follows.
The Land of Promise
Réalisé par Joseph Kaufman
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame
Thèmes Adaptation d'une pièce de théâtre
Acteurs Billie Burke, Thomas Meighan, Mary Alden, Margaret Seddon, Grace Van Studdiford

As described in a film magazine, when her employer dies, leaving her penniless, Nora Marsh (Burke) decides to make her home with her brother Edward (Johnston) in Canada. She cannot, however, get along with her sister-in-law Gertie (Alden) and life becomes a hardship. The hired man Frank Taylor (Meighan) owns a farm of his own, but a storm has destroyed his crops and forced him to work. Shortly after Nora's arrival he leaves for his farm. Nora hears a remark that he intends to get a woman to be his wife and housekeeper and she decides to take a chance. They get married and he takes her to his house, which she soon has cozy and homelike. Wild mustard seed infests Taylor's crops and destroy them. Nora has received some money from England is thinking of leaving Taylor. When she learns that he will have to be a hired man again, she decides to stay and give him the use of her money.
Arms and the Girl, 50minutes
Réalisé par Joseph Kaufman
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame
Thèmes Adaptation d'une pièce de théâtre
Acteurs Billie Burke, Thomas Meighan, J. Malcolm Dunn, Arthur Bauer

As described in a film magazine, during August 1914 Ruth Sherwood (Burke), an American traveling through Belgium with her parents, is left behind in Beaupre will sending a message to her fiance in Paris. She is compelled to seek shelter at the Hotel Tete d'Or as there are no more trains that day. Here she meets another American, Wilfred Ferrers. Ruth's passport is stolen by Olga Karnovitch (Bates), a Russian spy, who leaves her Russian passport in Ruth's hands. The town is invaded by Germans who are headed towards Paris, and they make the inn their headquarters. Ferrers is discovered destroying the Russian passport and is ordered to be shot at once. Ruth comes to his assistance by claiming that he is her fiance. The German officer is skeptical, and he orders that they be married at once. The ceremony is held beneath the upheld swords of the Germans, and an embarrassing night follows as the couple retire to their room. Ferrers overcomes the sentinel at their door, dons his uniform, and forces the General (Trimble) at the point of a gun to give them a pass to get through the German lines into France. In the meantime, Jack Martin (David), Ruth's fiance, arrives, but she says that he is her chauffeur. Ferrers gives Jack the pass, but Ruth refuses to leave Ferrers, having fallen in love with her "husband." The Germans receive orders to move on and as Ferrers enters the inn to urge Ruth to depart at once, he is shot by the outraged General. Ruth borrows a smock from the innkeeper and with Ferrers makes her escape across the boarder into France.
Good Gracious, Annabelle, 50minutes
Réalisé par George Melford
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie, Romance
Thèmes Adaptation d'une pièce de théâtre
Acteurs Billie Burke, Herbert Rawlinson, Crauford Kent, Frank Losee

As described in film magazines, Annabelle Leigh (Burke) lives extravagantly on a quarterly allowance that she spends monthly, until she is tricked out of two shares of a mining stock by crude, western miner John Rawson (Rawlinson), who compelled her to marry him after the death of her father in a squabble over the stock. The marriage is little more than form and rater than keeping her in a lonesome cabin where she cries perpetually, her magnanimous husband sets her free to go to New York City where she lives in an extravagant style. During a struggle for possession of her stock certificates with financier George Wimbledon (Kent), she takes a violent fancy towards a mysterious millionaire whom she meets during a party at Kent's Long Island estate. She tells him that she is resorting to all of the tricks she plays simply to save her husband, whose interests are threatened. The mysterious millionaire turns out to be that husband, who has shaved off his beard and wins her this time through love.
A Coney Island Princess, 50minutes
Réalisé par Dell Henderson
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame, Comédie, Comédie dramatique
Thèmes Adaptation d'une pièce de théâtre
Acteurs Irene Fenwick, Owen Moore, William Bailey, Kate Lester, Russell Bassett

The story evolves from a spat which Milholland has with his fiancée, Alice Gardner. While imbibing too freely in a foolish effort to assuage the pangs besetting him, he decides to sail for Europe, but he lands at Coney Island via the sight-seeing-car route, and in the course of zig-zag events he meets the Princess, an Oriental dancer, in a music hall. He becomes infatuated with her, and for the first time in his young pampered life he earns ten dollars playing a piano while she does her act on the stage. Eventually he takes the Princess to the home of his wealthy aunt, Mrs. King. Their betrothal is announced at a dinner on which occasion the Princess worries Pete and the many guests by her frequent breaches of etiquette. The next day Pete meets his former fiancée and quickly tells her that his love for the Princess is only a passing fancy. When the latter learns of this she returns to her father's Coney Island resort. There she realizes the folly of essaying to hold the fealty of a man abover her caste, and she cheerfully sets about to be happy with her lot. In the meantime a reconciliation reinstates Pete in the realm of bliss with his first love.