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Cándida millonaria est un film de genre Comédie réalisé par Luis Bayón Herrera avec Niní Marshall

Cándida millonaria (1941)

Cándida millonaria
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Durée 1h42
Réalisé par
Genres Comédie,    Musical
Themes Musique
Note64% 3.248843.248843.248843.248843.24884

Candida, Millionairess (Spanish: Cándida millonaria) is a 1941 Argentine musical comedy film directed by Luis Bayón Herrera.


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Genres Comédie, Musical, Romance
Thèmes Musique
Acteurs Agustín Lara, Pedro Vargas, Rosita Arenas, Eulalio González, Delia Magaña, Arturo Castro
Note61% 3.087733.087733.087733.087733.08773
Luis, Agustín, Pedro, Ana, and Clara, the five owners of the Los Bohemios cabaret, eventually fall into debt after Agustín spends most of their money on a costly inauguration. Without the funds to repay the debt, Luis and his business partners decide to seek monetary help from his uncle Apolonio Aguilar, an eccentric millionaire rancher, who lives in San Miguel el Alto. When they travel to ask Apolonio to lend them the money, he denies and lies, saying that his millions were swindled from him. Though Apolonio is reluctant to lend money to Luis, he sees his nephew as a potential husband for his tough, orphaned goddaughter Paloma who, in fact, falls in love with Luis. Luis, already in a relationship with Ana, decides to obtain the money from Paloma by inviting her to become a partner of the cabaret, which she misinterprets, believing that he is proposing marriage to her. Paloma accepts and becomes one of the principal performers of the cabaret, showcased as a ranchera singer. Once she discovers that Luis is already romantically involved with Ana (though actually they had broken their relationship shortly before), Paloma becomes disillusioned of Luis and decides to leave the cabaret and travel back to San Miguel el Alto, where she finds Luis, who eventually recognizes his love for her.