Out of the City (Czech: Cesta z města) is a Czech comedy film directed by Tomás Vorel. It was released in 2000. Out of the City is Vorel's fourth feature film.
A programmer named Honza decides to clear his head over the weekend from his hectic job, picks up his ex-wife's son, and together they set off on a trip into the countryside. Their civilization is highlighted in the film using mobile phone, laptop and digital camera. They become familiar with a charming country girl named Markéta and her grandmother, who live in a house with scented herbs and homemade liqueurs. A weekend trip stretches to several weeks stay in the small village. Honza and his son spend the most beautiful and gayest moments of their life in the country. The film is a parade of quirky rural characters. Honza's absence from work and his son from school is not without consequences, and father and son are forced to return to civilization. But Honza cannot forget his weeks in the country, or the girl Margaret.
Il y a 10 films ayant les mêmes acteurs, 4 films avec le même réalisateur, 48929 ayant les mêmes genres cinématographiques (dont 7941 ayant exactement les mêmes 2 genres que Cesta z města), pour avoir au final 70 suggestions de films similaires.
Si vous avez aimé Cesta z města, vous aimerez sûrement les films similaires suivants :
, 1h28 Réalisé parJan Hřebejk GenresComédie, Romance ActeursEmília Vášáryová, Jiří Macháček, Tomáš Hanák, Hana Hegerová, Vica Kerekes Note56% Oskar (Jiří Macháček), a popular TV weather forecaster, suddenly wakes up to an altered sense of identity: rather than belonging to easygoing wife Zuzana (a bewildered Simona Babčáková), he feels he ought to belong to the whole wide world – hence the national embarrassment. His first entanglement is with babysitter Kocicka (Eva Kerekéšová), a lean teenybopper who's more attached to her pet turtle than her older lover – at least until he accidentally smothers it in the dryer. Next in line is mature pop icon Nora (Emília Vášáryová), who's about to teach him a thing or two about freedom: the more people you let in, the more alone you end up feeling.