Cheech & Chong's Animated Movie is an American stoner comedy-animated film by Branden Chambers and Eric D. Chambers. It stars comedy duo Cheech and Chong in their first feature film since 1984's The Corsican Brothers, and the first to feature them as animated characters. The film features several of their original comedy bits such as "Sister Mary Elephant", "Sgt. Stedanko", "Ralph and Herbie", "Let's Make a Dope Deal", "Earache My Eye", and the classic "Dave's not here, man". It was screened on April 18, 2013 and was released on DVD/Blu-ray on April 23, 2013. This is currently the only Cheech & Chong movie available on Blu-ray.
The trailer claims it to be an adventure, but scenes shown throughout are mostly animated interpretations of their segments from their comedy albums. It also features a wraparound story of a genital crab named Buster the Body Crab trying to get high from Chong's weed scented head.Synopsis
Cheech et Chong, les deux copains accros à la fumette, embarquent dans une virée complètement folle, marquée par des rencontres inattendues et des aventures loufoques, probablement hallucinées par les deux compères.