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Close, Closed, Closure est un film de genre Documentaire réalisé par Ram Loevy

Close, Closed, Closure (2003)

Close, Closed, Closure
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Close, Closed, Closure (סגר) is a documentary film by Ram Loevy that aired on Israel's Channel 8 on 5 August 2002. The film describes life in the occupied Gaza Strip, three years before Israel unilaterally disengaged from there in 2005. The film employed both Israeli and Palestinian film crews to tell the story behind the intense frustrations of the local population, which erupted in the Second Intifada and the 2008-2009 Gaza War. At the same time, it also presents the attitudes of two conflicting groups in Israel: the rightwing settlers, who express their contempt for the local population; and the leftwing peace camp that demanded an Israeli withdrawal. The title derives from the frequent closures of Gaza by the Israeli government—during the filming, the border between Israel and Gaza was closed, opened, and closed again.

^ Close, Closed, Closure, Icarus Films.

^ Ofri Cnaani-David, "A Comparison between Israeli and Palestinian documentary films that deal with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict during the Second Intifada," unpublished paper, May 2003.
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The documentary opens with scenes of the violence at the event, depicting fighting between protesters and Jewish students attempting to enter the venue. This is followed by an interview with student Samir Elitrosh, a leader of the Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights and the leader of anti-Israel violence who was later suspended. It also features interviews with Concordia's Hillel president Yoni Petel and Concordia rector Frederick Lowy, and concludes with a discussion of what it sees as the growing trend of anti-Israel activities on North American campuses.
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Genres Documentaire
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Note68% 3.4475453.4475453.4475453.4475453.447545
The film focuses on two young rap artists, Subliminal, an Israeli Jew, and Tamer Nafar, a Palestinian citizen of Israel, and focuses on their music, friendship, and their politicization as public figures. The film traces the relationship between Tamer and Subliminal, as the events of the Second Intifada unfold, and lets the viewer draw conclusions from the souring relations between the two as an individual representation of the polarization process which took place during these years of bloody conflict. In this aspect, the film succeeds in delivering the atmosphere of the loss of hopes for peace after the failure of the Camp David summit between Ehud Barak and Yasser Arafat and the renewed intensity of the conflict since. The film was featured in the San Francisco Jewish Film Festival.