Cold Blooded is a 2012 crime film written and directed by Jason Lapeyre. The film stars Ryan Robbins, Zoie Palmer, William MacDonald, Sergio Di Zio and Huse Madhavji. The film tells the story of a female police officer assigned to guard a diamond thief overnight in a hospital when his violent partners break into the hospital to get him.Synopsis
A diamond heist goes very wrong, leaving one of the team of criminals dead and another arrested for his murder. The surviving thief, Eddie Cordero, wakes up in a hospital being guarded by Constable Frances Jane. He tries to con her into letting him go, but she's too smart for him and won't fall for his various pleas. Later in the evening, Cordero's partners in the diamond heist break into the hospital and head for his room. In the ensuing chaos, Constable Jane ends up having to work with Cordero to survive the night while at the same time trying to keep him from escaping.