Desi Boyz (Hindi: देसी बोयज़) is a 2011 Indian comedy-drama film directed by debutant Rohit Dhawan, son of director David Dhawan. The film stars Akshay Kumar, John Abraham, Deepika Padukone and Chitrangada Singh in lead roles while Sanjay Dutt features in a cameo. The film was released on 25 November 2011, and received a mixed response from critics, however leading to good business at the box office.Synopsis
The story follows two friends and roommates. The Gujarati rebel Jignesh "Jerry" Patel (Akshay Kumar) and clean simpleton Nick Mathur (John Abraham), who live in London. Jerry does odd jobs for a living as he is an undergraduate but Nick has a white-collar job. However, both find themselves jobless due to the economic downturn. Jerry has a school-age nephew named Veer (Master Virej Desai) whom he looks after, as the child has lost his parents. Nick is to marry his girlfriend, Radhika Awasthi (Deepika Padukone), who dreams of a lovely wedding, a great honeymoon and a wonderful house to live in after marriage.