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Dharmam Engey est un film réalisé par A. C. Tirulokachandar avec Sivaji Ganesan

Dharmam Engey (1971)

Dharmam Engey
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Dharmam Engey (Tamil: தர்மம் எங்கே) is a 1972 Indian Tamil film, directed by A. C. Tirulokchandar. The film stars Sivaji Ganesan, Jayalalithaa, M. N. Nambiar and R. Muthuraman in lead roles. The film had musical score by M. S. Viswanathan.


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Daivamagan (1969)

Réalisé par A. C. Tirulokachandar
Thèmes La famille, Adaptation d'une pièce de théâtre
Acteurs Sivaji Ganesan, Chittor V. Nagaiah, Jayalalithaa, Pandari Bai, Nagesh, Sundarrajan
Note78% 3.942333.942333.942333.942333.94233
Sivaji Ganesan portrays three roles: an insecure father, a timid son and an angst-ridden twin brother. Sivaji Ganesan, a lawyer with a scarred face, gets married to Pandari Bai. The couple lead a happy life and Pandari Bai gives birth to twin brothers, a son with a scarred face (Also Ganesan) like his father and a brother (Also Ganesan). Their father unable to tolerate his eldest son's face leaves him under the custody of another person and tells his wife that the first child is dead. As years pass by, the father becomes a justice and his younger son, a happy-go-lucky college-going timid son, falls in love with Jayalalithaa. In the meanwhile, the elder son comes to know about his family and tries to meet his mother and brother but he is asked by his father not to reveal his identity to them. M. N. Nambiar, a man once punished by the father, kidnaps the younger son in order to take revenge on him. In the end, the elder son rescues his brother, killing M. N. Nambiar. He succumbs to his injuries and dies on the lap of his mother (Pandari Bai). This film was the first Tamil film recommended for an Oscar.
Iru Malargal
Réalisé par A. C. Tirulokachandar
Genres Drame, Romance
Acteurs Sivaji Ganesan, Padmini Ramachandran, K. R. Vijaya, Chittor V. Nagaiah, Nagesh, Aachi Manorama
Note65% 3.29223.29223.29223.29223.2922
Sundar (Sivaji Ganesan) and Uma (Padmini) are classmates who fight often. Sundar, however, is very much in love with Uma, and when they perform in a dance drama competition at Madurai, and later move on to Kodaikanal, he expresses this love. Uma asks him to climb up a peak so that she will consider him as a suitor. Sundar suffers from Acrophobia and almost falls while climbing, at which point Uma accepts his love.