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Doll Face est un film américain de genre Comédie réalisé par Lewis Seiler avec Vivian Blaine

Doll Face (1945)

Doll Face
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Durée 1h20
Réalisé par
Genres Comédie,    Comédie romantique,    Musical,    Romance
Note57% 2.896992.896992.896992.896992.89699

Doll Face is a 1945 American film directed by Lewis Seiler starring Vivian Blaine as "Doll Face" Carroll.

The film is also known as Come Back to Me in the United Kingdom.


"Doll Face" Carroll is an entertainer looking to expand her reportoire. After a failed audition, where she is recognized as a burlesque performer from the Gayety Theatre, her manager and fiancé Mike Hannegan suggest she writes an autobiography to project a more literate image and he hires Frederick Manly Gerard as a ghostwriter. Doll Face agrees on the condition she is allowed to dedicate the book to Mike with "For the love of Mike".


Vivian Blaine

(Mary Elizabeth 'Doll Face' Carroll)
Dennis O'Keefe

(Michael Francis 'Mike' Hannegan)
Carmen Miranda

(Chita Chula)
Martha Stewart

(Frankie Porter)
Lex Barker

(Jack, Coast Guardsman (uncredited))
Bande annonce de Doll Face

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Source : Wikidata


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Il y a 95 films ayant les mêmes acteurs, 52 films avec le même réalisateur, 51126 ayant les mêmes genres cinématographiques (dont 295 ayant exactement les mêmes 4 genres que Doll Face), 10165 films qui ont les mêmes thèmes (dont 377 films qui ont les mêmes 2 thèmes que Doll Face), pour avoir au final 70 suggestions de films similaires.

Si vous avez aimé Doll Face, vous aimerez sûrement les films similaires suivants :
Something for the Boys, 1h27
Réalisé par Lewis Seiler
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie, Musical
Thèmes Musique, Adaptation d'une pièce de théâtre
Acteurs Carmen Miranda, Vivian Blaine, Michael O'Shea, Phil Silvers, Sheila Ryan, Rory Calhoun
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After cousins actress Blossom Hart (Vivian Blaine), defense plant worker Chiquita Hart (Carmen Miranda) and inventor Harry Hart (Phil Silvers) each learn that they are heirs to a large plantation in Masonville, Georgia, they travel separately to Masonville, and in the office of lawyer Col. Jefferson L. Calhoun, meet for the first time. As they are all poor, they are thrilled by the inheritance, but when Calhoun takes them to Magnolia Manor, they discover that the once glorious plantation house is now a ruin. In addition, paying the plantation's various property and inheritance taxes will put them deeply in debt. While the cousins are bemoaning their fate, Staff Sgt. Ronald "Rocky" Fulton (Michael O'Shea), who was a well-known orchestra leader before joining the military, arrives with some of his men, including Sgt. Laddie Green (Perry Como). Rockie explains that the married service men of nearby Camp Dixon want to rent rooms in the manor for their wives, who have been unable to live close to their husbands due to a lack of available housing. The men pitch in and help the cousins fix up the manor, although Chiquita is continually bothered by the fact that she can pick up radio programs on the fillings in her teeth. Rocky, who has begun a romance with Blossom, suggests that they put on a musical show to raise funds for the renovations. On the day that "The Old Southern Corn Revue" is to open, Blossom is stunned by the arrival of Melanie Walker (Sheila Ryan), a snobbish, rich woman, who Rocky is forced to admit is his fiancé. Melanie, believing that Rocky has arranged for the manor to be let just for her, imperiously announces the changes she intends to make, and the infuriated Blossom refuses to speak to Rocky. Before the show, Rocky explains to a disapproving Chiquita that he loves only Blossom. The show is a big success, and the next morning, Chiquita advises Blossom to fight for Rocky if she loves him. The snooty Melanie ends up covered with eggs after she tries to work one of Harry's new inventions, and she seeks solace from Lt. Ashley Crothers (Glenn Langan). While the lieutenant is there, he discovers that Harry is hosting a dice game for some of the soldiers, none of whom have wives staying at the manor. Crothers arrests the soldiers and recommends that the house be posted as off-limits for all military personnel. Col. Grubbs approves Crother's suggestion, and soon the wives are packing to leave. Meanwhile, after Harry learns that carborundum from the defense plant got into Chiquita's fillings and is causing her to receive radio programs, he decides to build an invention around the idea. One afternoon, Rocky comes to the house to try to talk to Blossom, who refuses to see him. Rocky is supposed to be on duty for war games, and is captured by the "enemy" army, which has taken over the manor as its headquarters. Hoping to save both his stripes and the manor, Rocky enlists the aid of Chiquita and Harry, who begin building a transmitter to send a message to Rocky's unit via Chiquita's teeth. The message is sent, and the cousins distract the "enemy" army with a song and dance show while Rocky's army assembles for its attack. Soon after, Rocky's side has prevailed in the maneuvers, and in appreciation of Blossom, Chiquita and Harry's help, the off-limits sign is removed and the manor is once again the site of much happiness for the military men and their wives. At a celebratory party, Rocky announces that he has been selected for officer's candidate school, and the happy Blossom reconciles with him.
If I'm Lucky, 1h18
Réalisé par Lewis Seiler
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Musical
Thèmes Musique
Acteurs Vivian Blaine, Carmen Miranda, Phil Silvers, Edgar Buchanan, Reed Hadley, Lewis Russell
Note60% 3.0494653.0494653.0494653.0494653.049465
Band agent Wally Jones sends telegrams to members of a band he represents, which is presently "between engagements;" leader Earl Gordon is blowing bugle at a race track, singer Linda Farrell is selling tickets at a movie theater, harpist Michelle O'Toole is working as a hat-check girl and other band members are playing golf. They are all instructed to go to Centerville, where Wally has arranged for them to audition for the Titan Tire Company's president, Mr. Gillingwater, who wants new talent for his company's radio show. When the band arrives in Centerville, however, they are told by Wally that Gillingwater has hired Benny Goodman instead. Although they have hotel rooms for the night, they are low on cash and contrive to get a free meal at a "Magonnagle for Governor" political rally. The small crowd pays paying little attention to the candidate until Earl and the band start playing, so Magonnagle hires the band to accompany him on the rest of his campaign tour. Magonnagle is running with the slogan, "A Vote for Magonnagle Is a Vote for the Common Man," but has little hope of beating the political machine that is backing corrupt, incumbent Governor Quilby. Composer Allen Clark shows up at one campaign stop, wanting to sell the band a song he has written. Earl buys the song for Linda, but Allen really wants to join the band as a singer. Wally finally hires him, partly to help carry his girl friend Michelle's harp. At one rally, Magonnagle is too drunk to speak and Allen delivers a brief pitch on his behalf. Mark Dwyer, a member of the corrupt State Campaign Committee decides to drop the ineffectual Magonnagle and instead run Allen as a candidate to avoid accusations of fraudulent election practices. Allen doesn't want to be involved, but Wally convinces him that it would be good exposure for his singing talents. Dwyer then introduces Allen to several political appointees, who are all cronies of his, and dupes him into signing continuing "appointments" for them. Allen does so, as he, too, fully expects Quilby to win. After Allen and Linda fall in love, Gillingwater asks the band to join his radio show, and Wally negotiates a thirty-nine-week contract at $10,000 per week. To Allen's surprise and distress, however, the polls indicate that he could win the election. Despite further inducements from the political machine, Allen wants to quit, but Dwyer threatens to break them all by revealing the phony "appointments." To protect them, Allen dismisses the band. Magonnagle then returns and tells Linda about the political crooks backing Allen, and thinking that Allen has become one of them, she leaves with the band. In his closing campaign speech, prompted by Magonnagle, Allen denounces Dwyer and his political machine. Linda and the band hear Allen's speech on their bus's radio and return to help him escape from Dwyer. With Allen safely on board, the bus is pursued by police. When the police finally catch up with the bus, they inform Allen that Quilby has conceded the election to him. His friends convince Allen that he can be both governor and radio singer.
He Couldn't Say No
Réalisé par Lewis Seiler
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie, Comédie romantique, Aventure, Policier, Romance
Thèmes Adaptation d'une pièce de théâtre
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The Smiling Ghost, 1h11
Réalisé par Lewis Seiler
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie, Comédie horrifique, Horreur, Policier
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The elderly Mrs. Bentley (Helen Westley) and her lawyer see a newspaper ad from an unemployed and unmarried engineer seeking work doing “anything legal.” The lawyer calls the engineer, Alexander “Lucky” Downing (Wayne Morris), and sets up a meeting, during which Lucky is offered $1000 to feign an engagement to Mrs. Bentley’s granddaughter Elinor Bentley Fairchild (Alexis Smith) for one month. Lucky considers it a strange offer, but he needs the money so he takes the job.
Greenwich Village, 1h22
Réalisé par Walter Lang
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie, Musical
Thèmes La musique, Musique, Films pour enfants
Acteurs Carmen Miranda, Don Ameche, B.S. Pully, William Bendix, Vivian Blaine, Paul Hurst
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En 1922, le compositeur novice Kenneth Harvey (Don Ameche) se installe à Greenwich Village, à New York, où vous voulez intéresser un compositeur célèbre dans son travail. Dans un bar, il rencontre Danny O'Mara (William Bendix) vous voulez faire votre petite amie Bonnie Watson (Vivian Blaine) une étoile d'une comédie musicale. Un autre bar de l'actrice, Princess Querida O'Toole (Carmen Miranda), pense Kenneth est un homme riche quand il tire de sa poche tout l'argent apporté. Kenneth et Bonnie commencent un roman pour Danny désespoir. Un conducteur célèbre est intéressé par le travail de Kenneth, l'intention Estréa il au Carnegie Hall. Kenneth travaille dur dans la pièce qui serait pour le spectacle au bar de Danny, même si Bonnie a déjà écrit la lettre. Une confusion est établie lorsque l'un des musiciens vole le paiement de l'orchestre. En outre, Kenneth arrêté pendant le transport des boissons fournies par la Princess Querida. Mais les essais se poursuivent et Danny paie Kenneth caution le la soirée d'ouverture de la comédie musicale, avec Bonnie and Honey se présenter. Les confusions sont clarifiées et Bonnie et Kenneth étreignant à la fin du film.
La foire aux illusions, 1h40
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Origine Etats-Unis
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Thèmes La musique, Musique, Adaptation d'une pièce de théâtre, Films pour enfants
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Une nuit à Rio, 1h31
Réalisé par Irving Cummings
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie, Comédie musicale, Musical, Romance
Thèmes La musique, Musique, Adaptation d'une pièce de théâtre, Films pour enfants
Acteurs Don Ameche, Alice Faye, Carmen Miranda, S.Z. Sakall, J. Carrol Naish, Curt Bois
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Larry Martin, un chanteur américain qui travaille dans Rio de Janeiro, crée sur scène un numéro d'imitation visant à caricaturer un géant local de la finance, le banquier et investiture Manuel Duarte. Le numéro est d'autant mieux réussi que la ressemblance entre les deux hommes est frappante. Duarte est victime d'une agression boursière qui risque de le ruiner s'il ne trouve pas très vite un prêt et se rend à Buenos Aires. Les deux associés de Duarte se rendent compte que l'absence de ce dernier à Rio risque d'être interprété comme une fuite, et de dévaloriser les actions qui leur restent. Ils engagent donc Martin pour tenir son rôle d'abord à la Bourse où il va se mettre à acheter des actions sans comprendre ce qu'il fait, puis à une réception mondaine. Là les choses se compliquent, puisque devant Cécilia la femme de Duarte, il joue le rôle du mari, ne sachant pas que celle-ci est au courant du stratagème. Il s'ensuit une série de quiproquos qui vont se compliquer avec le retour imprevu du mari et l'intervention de Carmen, la petite amie de Martin.
Blanches colombes et vilains messieurs, 2h23
Réalisé par Joseph L. Mankiewicz
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie, Action, Musical, Policier, Romance
Thèmes La mer, La musique, Transport, Musique, Adaptation d'une pièce de théâtre, Adaptation d'une comédie musicale
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