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Don't Get Me Wrong est un film Britannique de genre Comédie réalisé par Reginald Purdell avec George E. Stone

Don't Get Me Wrong (1937)

Don't Get Me Wrong
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Durée 1h20
Réalisé par ,    
Genres Comédie
Note59% 2.975352.975352.975352.975352.97535

Don't Get Me Wrong is a 1937 British comedy film, co-directed by Arthur B. Woods and Reginald Purdell and starring Max Miller and George E. Stone. It was made at Teddington Studios.

The film was a quota quickie production featuring Miller as a fairground performer who meets a professor who claims to have invented a cheap substitute for petrol. They team up and persuade a millionaire to finance them to develop and market the product, while unsavoury elements are keen to steal the formula and try all means to get their hands on it, involving slapstick chases and double-crosses. It then turns out that the miracle fluid is diluted coconut oil, and the genius professor is an escaped lunatic. The millionaire finds himself taking the brunt of the disappointment.


George E. Stone

Max Miller

(Wellington Lincoln)
Olive Blakeney

Glen Alyn

Clifford Heatherley

(Sir George Baffin)
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Il y a 125 films ayant les mêmes acteurs, 27 films avec le même réalisateur, 36915 ayant les mêmes genres cinématographiques, pour avoir au final 70 suggestions de films similaires.

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Note59% 2.955772.955772.955772.955772.95577
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Note61% 3.096993.096993.096993.096993.09699
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Origine Royaume-uni
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Acteurs Glenda Farrell, Claude Hulbert, Glen Alyn, James Stephenson, Gibb McLaughlin

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