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The Windmill est un film Britannique de genre Drame réalisé par Arthur B. Woods avec Hugh Williams

The Windmill (1937)

The Windmill
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Genres Drame

The Windmill is a 1937 British drama film directed by Arthur B. Woods and starring Hugh Williams, Glen Alyn and Henry Mollison. During the First World War, the German adopted daughter of a Belgian innkeeper tries to balance her loyalty to her father, who is a spy for the Germans, and her love for a British soldier billited in their inn. It was based on a novel by John Drabble.


Hugh Williams

(Lt Peter Ellington)
Glen Alyn

(Clodine Asticot)
Henry Mollison

(Gaston Lafarge)
John Laurie

(M. Coutard)
Bruce Lester

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Note60% 3.011113.011113.011113.011113.01111
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