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Thistledown est un film de genre Drame réalisé par Arthur B. Woods avec Athole Stewart

Thistledown (1938)

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Réalisé par
Genres Drame,    Musical
Themes Musique

Thistledown is a 1938 British musical film produced by Irving Asher, directed by Arthur B. Woods and starring Aino Bergo, Keith Falkner, Athole Stewart, Sharon Lynn and Amy Veness. The Austrian wife of a Scottish aristocrat is driven away by his unfriendly family, but returns years later.

The British Film Institute has listed this film as lost


Athole Stewart

(Duke of Invergower)
Bruce Lester

(Lord James Dunfoyle)
Amy Veness

(Mary Glenloch)
Vera Bogetti

Gordon McLeod

Bande annonce de Thistledown

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Source : Wikidata


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