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Dore est un film de genre Romance avec Shiva Rajkumar

Dore (1994)

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Durée 2h27
Genres Romance

Dore (Kannada: ದೊರೆ) is a 1995 Indian Kannada romance drama film directed by Shivamani and produced by M. Chandrashekar. The film features Shiva Rajkumar, Hema Panchamukhi and Bharathi in the lead roles. The story is based on the novelist Ku. Veerabhadrappa's novel Beliya Hoogalu.

The film's score and soundtrack was scored by Hamsalekha and the cinematography was by Krishna Kumar.


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Source : Wikidata


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Note54% 2.71532.71532.71532.71532.7153
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