2+2 (Spanish: Dos más dos) is a 2012 Argentine comedy-drama film directed by Diego Kaplan and starring Adrián Suar, Carla Peterson, Julieta Díaz and Juan Minujín. The plot revolves around two successful friendly couples: Diego and Emilia, and Betina and Richard. One night, Richard and Betina reveal to Diego and Emilia that they are swingers and would like to swap partners with them, tempting Emilia.
It was the highest grossing Argentine film in 2012.Synopsis
Diego (Adrían Suar) and Richard (Juan Minujín) are two renowned cardiovascular surgeons who own an important specialist hospital located in Puerto Madero, Buenos Aires. Diego is married to Emilia (Julieta Díaz), a weather forecaster, with whom he has a 14-year-old son called Lucas (Tomás Wicz) and an organized family life. Richard is in a ten-year relationship with Betina (Carla Peterson), a fashion designer; they have no children and a more unstructured life.