Dr. Seuss on the Loose (titled Green Eggs and Ham and Other Stories for the sing-a-long videocasette release) is an animated musical television special, cartoon first airing on CBS on October 15, 1973, and hosted by The Cat in the Hat who appears in bridging sequences where he introduced animated adaptations of Dr. Seuss children's stories The Sneetches, The Zax and Green Eggs and Ham. Allan Sherman reprised his role as the voice of The Cat in the Hat from the 1971 TV special. This was the final project Sherman worked on before his death.
On June 26, 2012, Warner Home Video released the special on a special edition DVD and Blu-ray.
^ Dr. Seuss Green Eggs and Ham and Other Stories (Deluxe Edition) DVD - Warner Bros.: WBshop.com - The Official Online Store of Warner Bros.Synopsis
La pression de se conformer, l'inévitabilité du changement et la résistance à essayer quelque chose de nouveau forment la base des aventures folles habituelles associées à l'esprit créatif du Dr Seuss. "Dr. Seuss on the Loose" s'appuie sur trois nouvelles - "The Sneetches", "The Zax" et "Green Eggs and Ham" - pour créer un trio thématique qui explore le monde souvent inconstant et flexible des attitudes.