Dream (Telugu: డ్రీమ్ ) is a 2012 Telugu, psychological thriller film directed by Bhavani Shankar K under the banner of Kaipa Film Production House and produced by Satish Mynam and Vijaya Mynam. The film features Rajendra Prasad, Pavani Reddy and Jayashree in the lead roles. Dream is scripted and directed by Bhavani Shankar K and is his first feature film as director. The film won Royal Reel Award at the Canada International Film Festival and has also garnered selection at the New York City International Film Festival.Synopsis
The story runs around a retired Army officer who did not get to fight the Kargil war. He now lives with his wife in an upscale, gated community spending most of his time playing war video games. The hero suffers from hypnagogia, a rare medical disorder. He starts dreaming and believes that his dreams are real.