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Ein idealer Gatte est un film de genre Comédie réalisé par Herbert Selpin avec Brigitte Helm

Ein idealer Gatte (1935)

Ein idealer Gatte
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An Ideal Husband (German:Ein idealer Gatte) is a 1935 German comedy film directed by Herbert Selpin and starring Brigitte Helm, Sybille Schmitz and Karl Ludwig Diehl. It is based on the 1895 play An Ideal Husband by Oscar Wilde a sensitive and romantic comedy representing the 19th century. The adaptation is very faithful to the original work.

A romantic and sentimental comedy set at the turn of the 19th century, An Ideal Husband delves into themes of love, passion, and betrayal among the aristocracy.


Brigitte Helm

(Lady Gertrud Chiltern)
Sybille Schmitz

(Gloria Cheveley)
Karl Ludwig Diehl

(Lord Robert Chiltern)
Georg Alexander

(Lord Arthur Goring)
Anni Markart

(Mabel Chiltern)
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