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Evidence est un film américain de genre Drame réalisé par John G. Adolfi avec Pauline Frederick

Evidence (1929)

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Durée 1h19
Réalisé par
Genres Drame,    Romance
Note71% 3.592283.592283.592283.592283.59228

Evidence is a 1929 sound horror/mystery film produced and distributed by the Warner Brothers. It is based on the 1914 Broadway play Evidence by J. duRocher MacPherson and L. duRocher MacPherson. This early talkie was directed by John G. Adolfi and starred Pauline Frederick and Lowell Sherman. While this film is lost, its soundtrack, recorded by the Vitaphone process, survives.


Pauline Frederick

(Myra Stanhope)
William Courtenay

(Cyril Wimborne)
Conway Tearle

(Harold Courtenay)
Lowell Sherman

(Norman Pollock)
Alec B. Francis

Bande annonce de Evidence

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Source : Wikidata


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