Faintheart is a 2008 British comedy film, directed by Vito Rocco and starring Eddie Marsan, Ewen Bremner and Jessica Hynes. It concerns a lead character involved in the historical reenactment of ancient battles; and is the first film to be created using active input from an online site.
The film was a result of collaborative effort from Myspace, Vertigo films and Film4. The resulting group, MyMovieMashUp, sought to harness the talents of the online community and to enable them to be involved in the film-making process. Various cast and crew members were picked from the MySpaceUK website to work on the project, a unique tactic in the film-making industry. Although the casting and soundtrack were assembled with the help of Myspace, the screenplay was written by UK-based writer David Lemon.
Professional Viking re-enactors from UK-based company "The Vikings" formed part of the cast alongside Britannia Romano-British society.
Also a specialist stunt team from East 15 Acting School took part in filming the large battles under the Fight Direction of Richard Ryan.Synopsis
Romantic comedy concerning Richard and his efforts to win back his wife, whilst taking part in weekend re-enactments of Viking battles. At the same time he is bullied at work and his son is bullied at school because of his father's hobby.