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Fatty's New Role est un film américain de genre Comédie réalisé par Roscoe Arbuckle avec Roscoe Arbuckle

Fatty's New Role (1915)

Fatty's New Role
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Durée 13minutes
Réalisé par
Genres Comédie
Note57% 2.856032.856032.856032.856032.85603

Fatty's New Role is a 1915 American short comedy film directed by and starring Fatty Arbuckle.


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Si vous avez aimé Fatty's New Role, vous aimerez sûrement les films similaires suivants :
Fatty’s Plucky Pup, 23minutes
Réalisé par Roscoe Arbuckle
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie
Acteurs Roscoe Arbuckle, Phyllis Allen, Joe Bordeaux, Edgar Kennedy, Glen Cavender, Hank Mann
Note60% 3.045983.045983.045983.045983.04598
Fatty plays a somewhat lazy young man who disrupts his mother's life by causing a fire by smoking in bed, then ruins laundry day by dropping it in the mud. He has two loves of his life, the girl next door Lizzie and his dog Luke. After showcasing his lack of talents helping his mother, he is able to save Luke from the dog catchers and express his love for Lizzie through a hole in the fence. In the second reel, Fatty, Lizzie, mom and Luke go to the amusement park, where Fatty is first outwitted by a couple of sharks but then retrieves his losses by pointing a fake gun at them. To exact revenge, they kidnap Lizzie with the help of the embittered dog catchers, and take her to an abandoned shack, where they tie her to a post with a gun attached to a timer pointed at her head. Plucky pup Luke follows the crooks, and is able to warn Fatty in time to perform the last-minute rescue, with the help of the Keystone Cops. In the closing shot Fatty, Lizzie and Luke embrace in a joint kiss (and lick).
Fatty cuisinier, 22minutes
Réalisé par Roscoe Arbuckle
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie, Action
Acteurs Buster Keaton, Roscoe Arbuckle, Al St. John, Alice Lake, Glen Cavender, Bobby Dunn
Note65% 3.2910053.2910053.2910053.2910053.291005
Fatty est le chef-cuisinier d'un restaurant dont Buster Keaton est le serveur. Un grand classique de situation dans les comédies burlesques et l'occasion pour Roscoe de montrer sa dextérité à jongler avec les plats et les couteaux et reprend des gags de Fatty boucher ou Fatty chez lui. Une longue scène du film est une parodie de la danse de Salomé. L'irruption du truand Al St John venu faire la caisse est le prétexte à une bagarre et Luke finira par y mettre bon ordre. Ces deux personnages sont les protagonistes d'une course-poursuite qui se déroule en parallèle de la comédie elle-même pour la rejoindre au moment du dénouement. On retrouve nos personnages lors d'un repas pris à l'office à la fin du service et le film se termine par le repos de l'après-midi que Fatty consacre à la pêche non loin d'un parc d'attraction où se trouvent Alice Lake et Buster Keaton. La fin du film est difficile à suivre car le film est fragmenté et incomplet.
Fatty and Mabel at the San Diego Exposition, 14minutes
Réalisé par Roscoe Arbuckle
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie
Acteurs Mabel Normand, Roscoe Arbuckle, Minta Durfee, Harry Gribbon, Edgar Kennedy, Glen Cavender
Note57% 2.8609152.8609152.8609152.8609152.860915
Fatty (Roscoe Arbuckle) and Mabel (Mabel Normand) are a married couple visiting the Exposition. Fatty gets in trouble by flirting with a passing woman (Minta Durfee) while Mabel shops. He chases the woman into a hula pavilion and makes approaches to the dancers. He is accosted by both Mabel and the woman's husband; eventually the police are called to straighten the whole thing out.
Fatty and Mabel Adrift, 34minutes
Réalisé par Roscoe Arbuckle
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie
Acteurs Mabel Normand, Roscoe Arbuckle, Al St. John, Joe Bordeaux, Glen Cavender, Frank Hayes
Note66% 3.338053.338053.338053.338053.33805
The story involves Arbuckle as a farm boy marrying his sweetheart, Normand. They have their honeymoon with Fatty's dog Luke, at a cottage on the seashore. At high tide that night, Al St. John (Fatty's rival) and his confederates set the cottage adrift. Fatty and Mabel awaken the next morning to find themselves surrounded by water in their bedroom, and the house afloat.