Fort Tilden is a 2014 American independent, comedy film, written and directed by Sarah-Violet Bliss and Charles Rogers, starring Bridey Elliot, Claire McNulty, Neil Casey, Alysia Reiner, and Peter Vack.
The film had its world premiere at SXSW on March 8, 2014, where it won that year's Grand Jury Award. The film was acquired by revived Orion Pictures and was released on August 14, 2015, in a limited release, and through video on demand.Synopsis
While at a rooftop gathering for their twin musician friends, roommates Allie (Claire McNulty) and Harper (Bridey Elliot) meet two guys, Russ and Sam. After the boys announce that they will be spending the day at Fort Tilden the girls make plans to meet them and bring them molly.