Penny Princess is a 1952 British Technicolor comedy written and directed by Val Guest for his own production company, Conquest Productions. The film stars his future wife Yolande Donlan, who was Guest's production company partner, and features Reginald Beckwith, the other partner in Conquest Productions. Dirk Bogarde plays the leading man.
Penny Princess was filmed in Catalonia, the first British production to be filmed in Spain.
^ p.90 Mitchell, John Flickering Shadows: A Lifetime in Film 1997 Harold Martin & RedmanSynopsis
Un milliardaire américain meurt après avoir acheté le petit pays de Lampidorra, situe au carrefour de trois pays européens. Une jeune vendeuse de magasin, lointaine parente du milliardaire devient ainsi princesse. Elle y interdit tout d'abord la pratique de la contrebande qui y était légale.